Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Eating chocolates for meals?! No Way!

Tavia's blog update

Eating chocolates for meals?! No Way!

There is this man in Britain who actually had chocolates for his meals for the past 17 years. It seems like he has been addicted to chocolates from back then when he was still studying. Later, it got worse and he ate them as proper meals!
In this time and age, every girl in Hong Kong aims for a slim body. Want them to eat chocolates for meals? It's impossible!

Chinese transcript: 喺英國,有個男人竟然17年嚟將朱古力當飯食,聽講佢讀書果陣已經對朱古力上咗癮,後嚟仲瘋狂到當正餐添!

Pls visit Tavia's blog to increase her blog's ranking.

Credits to Karened for the translation

signed out by Irrationally_adept

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