Friday, May 2, 2008

02/05 Olympic activities

Okay alot of stars went to the performance today. Ron, Raymond, Bosco ,Patrick & Moses sang a song together and then the whole group sang an ending song together and Moses doing the Karate/WingChun/TaiChi what ever it was demo was so funny

Direct DL of the Clip could be found here: in Sendspace or Sharebig

i'll come back later to edit this with a stream load clip and some picture when it comes out
there isn't any fungyi interaction but there is 2R and BoTA and Taro

Edit: yay some picture came out but no fungyi
there are also a few interviews clips and stuff out but i'll put all those into another post tomorrow. And hopefully i can find the clip of Tavia & fala singing Hehe

Okay these picture are the closest i can find of Fungyi seemed like Raymond was avoiding all female stars apart from LSK & Suzanna Kwan at the event

Credits: As stated on watermarks + Raymond forest + Tavia.Org + Baidu

Signing Off : Sakura_drop

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